Your SAFETY is in our hands!

Institute Sigurnost

Safety and health at work means providing working conditions that do not lead to injuries, occupational diseases, work-related diseases and that create conditions for full physical and psychological protection of employees.

Fire protection includes a set of measures and actions for planning, financing, organizing, implementing and controlling fire protection measures and actions, for preventing the outbreak and spread of fires, detecting and extinguishing fires, saving people and property, protecting the environment, determining and removing the causes fire, as well as for providing assistance in removing the consequences caused by the fire.

Environmental protection implies a set of different procedures and measures that prevent endangerment of the environment with the aim of preserving the biological balance. Ecological defense is multidisciplinary and should represent a permanent obligation of all members of society.


City kvart,
81000 Podgorica

look at google maps


Phone: +382 (0) 20 625 134
Mobile: +382 (0) 69 055 242


Working hours

Monday - Friday: 7AM - 3PM